Saturday, October 24, 2009

Time to Eat the Dog

First the bad news. The algoreans are coming for your dog.

Now the good news. Fido's safe, if the latest trend continues... A recent poll says belief in man-made global warming is dropping. It took a long time for Bernie Madoff to be exposed, the stakes are so much higher with global warming that I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's taking even longer.

Denier Alert!

You can read about the poll itself here, or read about it in the [blasphemy!] New York Times here, or if you're like me, you can just look at the pictures...


Bad News: Time to Eat the Dog!

Here's what the New Scientist magazine says about your pet:
SHOULD owning a great dane make you as much of an eco-outcast as an SUV driver? Yes it should, say Robert and Brenda Vale, two architects who specialise in sustainable living at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. In their new book, Time to Eat the Dog: The real guide to sustainable living, they compare the ecological footprints of a menagerie of popular pets with those of various other lifestyle choices - and the critters do not fare well.
Again, if you like pictures, here's their "hamster versus Fido" graphic (click to expand):

But Not the Fish!

They're not fish, they're Sea Kittens! You couldn't eat a kitten, could you? PETA says you can't eat kittens!

Oh, Wait, It Gets Better!

Thought it was hard to get your kids to eat fish? Don't let em play the Create Your Own Sea Kitten! game.

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